Gabriel Monteiro

Senior Computer Engineering Student at Insper

Passionate about Data Engineering and Machine Learning


  • (2017-2021) Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
  • Insper, São Paulo/Brazil
  • CR: 8.54/10 (GPA in Relation to Cohort)
  • Minors in Data Science and Solution Architect
  • Data Science
  • Cloud Computing
  • Open-source
  • Blockchain
  • HealthTech
  • Academic
  • Data Science
  • Open-source
  • Hackathon
  • Blockchain
  • Professional Experience

    • July/2021 - Present
      Kinea Investimentos
      BI Intern
      • Building ETL processes using Prefect Dataflow, Python and SQL.
      • Using PowerBI to build dashboards and perform data analysis.
    • February/2021 - April/2021
      Kinea Investimentos
      Kinea Challenge
      • Challenge was to develop a contract reader software that could extract key data from the company’s lease agreements and upload to Salesforce.
      • The software extracts the data using two Python libraries, re for regular expressions and Spacy for entity recognition. The user interface was developed in React.js with a local server in Flask.
      • The user can change the data extracted from the contract on the UI and then click it on the confirm button to send everything to Salesforce.
    • June/2020 - August/2020
      Parque Tecnológico de São José dos Campos
      Summer Engineering Intern
      • Collaborative work with 2 other Brazilian students and 4 foreign students from US universities.
      • Developed an Innovative Research focused on Urban Mobility. The final presentation included an MVP that demonstrated a payment system for public and private mobility options using ERC20 Tokens at the Ethereum blockchain network
      • Github Repository
    • March/2020 - June/2020
      Auera - Sustainable E-commerce Startup
      Full-Stack Software Developer
      • E-commerce pages optimization with React.js and Node.js
      • Full implementation of front and back end for product review and comment section
      • Created an API for the brand blog(WIX) so the latest posts could be at the e-commerce home page

    Academic/Personal Projects

    • All
    • Machine Learning
    • Database/ Back-end
    • Open-source
    • Blockchain
    • Games
    • Others
    • Complete MLOps guide
      What is MLOps and how to implement it using IBM Watson, DVC and CML
    • Blood Glucose Prediction with LSTM
      Undergraduate Research
    • DBSCAN Clustering
      Explaining how DBSCAN algorithm works
    • Mobi Token
      DApp which implements ERC20 Token wallet for mobilty services. Developed in React.js and Solidity.js
    • NBA 3PT shot evolution using R
      Analyzing three-point shot influence over the game and players between 2003 and 2019 NBA season
    • Yelp Heatmap
      Demonstration of Apache Spark tool with Yelp open database
    • Bird Enthusiasts Database
      SQL scripts for a Bird Enthusiasts database with simple Python API for testing
    • AWS Python Script
      Using Python's Boto3 Library, this script is able to put a whole system up with Node.js/MongoDB backend and a simple web server using AWS Load Balancer and Auto Scaler.
    • Nightscout Alarm Clock
      Alarm Clock system developed in C at an ARM based chip which connects to Heroku web server to receive blood glucose values
    • BlockLic
      Open tenter implemented at Ethereum Blockchain with Remix IDE and Solidity.js
    • Maylasky Island
      Survival 3rd Person Shooter developed in Unity
    • Port Scanner
      Port scanner in Python. It checks which ports(number and service) are open. Interface developed in PySimpleGUI
    • Dino Dungeon
      Plataform Game developed in Unity